Inhaled Corticosteroids – Recommendations

We do not recommend inhaled corticosteroid for non-severe COVID-19 (Conditional recommendation)

A conditional recommendation is one for which the panel is less confident about the balance between desirable and undesirable effects of the intervention, or other aspects, such as cost and feasibility.

Definition of non-severe:

NO features of severe or critical illness (see below). For some interventions this group may be divided into:

Mild illness

  • Symptomatic (any acute COVID-19 related symptoms)
  • AND respiratory rate <24/min
  • WITHOUT pneumonia or hypoxia

Moderate illness

  • Pneumonia (clinical or radiological) OR hypoxia (SpO2 <94% in adults with no underlying lung disease)
  • AND respiratory rate ≤30/min
  • AND SpO2 ≥90% on room air